All salvageable material that has been inspected and determined to be free of explosives will be packed in its
original container or a new container, and the container marked to reflect small arms brass, clips, links, etc. You
will prepare and sign a written certificate stating: "this material has been inspected and does not contain any live
rounds, unfired primers, explosives, harmful chemicals, or other dangerous materials." This certificate is placed
inside each container and attached to the outside of each container. See Figure 5. Empty packing material also
requires this certificate.
Figure 5. Certifying and Marking Container.
Ammunition salvage items are broken down for inspection into small arms brass (.60 caliber and below),
reported by pounds; artillery brass and steel (37mm and above), reported by each; and miscellaneous inert
ammunition components, reported by national stock number. The last category includes all packing material,
links, empty containers, and training rounds.
Inspecting Small Arms Brass
Before you segregate the small arms brass cartridge cases, check the boxes to see if any live cartridges, small
arms blank cartridges, or plastic practice cartridges are included. These items can be readily identified by the rose
petal crimp, the long tapered neck of the cartridge case, color lacquer on the crimped closure, plastic material, and
the absence of a bullet. Any explosives found should be placed in a suitable container for disposal according to
the SOP.