Now, segregate the small arms brass cartridge cases by caliber and visually inspect them 100 percent at the
sorting tables. See Figure 6. Inspect the expended brass casing for unfired cartridges and unfired primers. See
Figure 7. Unfired cartridges will contain a bullet. Some units often leave unfired cartridges in their brass that
may have jammed in a weapon and the primer has been indented, but the bullet is lodged in the cartridge case.
Unfired primers are cartridge cases without the bullet and powder. The unfired primer will not be indented. Place
all unfired primers and unfired cartridges in a suitable container and immediately notify the quality assurance
specialist (ammunition surveillance)(QASAS) so corrective action can be taken.
Figure 6. Sorting Table for Sorting Small Arms Brass.
Figure 7. Unfired Round and Unfired Primer In Small Arms Brass.