To fill the EOD CP supervisor's job you must be thoroughly familiar with the EOD requirements at
the accident scene. The EOD team responsibilities as outlined in AR 50-5 are:
a. Identify weapons and determine their condition.
b. Conduct RSP and DP when necessary and authorized by the on scene commander.
c. Collect classified components and associated material and return them to the OSC. Request
disposition instructions of hazardous materials from the OSC.
4. Once the EOD mission is completed the OSC may use the EOD personnel to aid other teams.
5. The CAIC team is very similar to the NAIC team. It consists of:
a. On-scene commander (OSC) - Directs all operations at the scene.
b. Chemical Accident and Incident Control Officer (CAICO):
(1) Acts as the representative of the OSC when he is not present at the accident site.
(2) Coordinates all clean-up activities of his staff and supporting teams.
c. The CAICO staff will consist of at least the following:
(1) Assistance CAICO operations officer
(2) Provost marshal
(3) Public affairs officer
(5) Staff Judge Advocate
(6) Engineer Officer
(7) Medical Officer
(8) Safety Officer
(9) Chaplain