Lesson #1 Self-Test
Circle the letter of each correct answer.
1. At the scene of a nuclear accident, who handles the coordination of EOD activities with the other
supporting agencies?
a. the EOD officer-in-charge
b. the NAICO and staff
c. the DOD NAIC assistance team
2. Classified components and associated material should be:
a. returned to the OSC
b. disposed of according to EOD standard operating procedure
c. given to the alpha team
3. Once the EOD mission is finished, the EOD team:
a. will leave the scene immediately
b. may be required to assist the NBC team
c. should report to the provost marshal
4. In a combat environment:
a. the CAICO team will function much the same as in peacetime
b. the EOD team will follow FM 9-15, Chapter 4
5. Hazardous items, materials, and IED components may be stored for non-federal agencies:
a. provided no out-of-pocket use of Army funds is necessary
b. only for periods of 90 days or more
6. If an EOD unit is requested to maintain a chain of custody of hazardous items, materials, and IED
components for possible use in federal court:
a. the request must be denied
b. authorization must be given by the civil authority in charge
c. the chain of custody must be maintained by a military court