Records holding area
Executive offices
Points where you can get to utilities:
Major water and sewage pipes
Major electric lines, switchboxes, etc.
Location of any hazards in the facility:
Gas lines and gas containers
Other flammable material
Areas that are open to the public
Areas that are normally locked
Sufficient details of rooms to determine what items belong in them.
The entry point and distribution route for mail, supplies, and other incoming material.
The location of trash containers, when they are emptied, and where the trash is kept
until it is hauled away from the facility.
(3) Attempt to find persons who can provide data not included in the plans.
b. Attempt to find people who can provide the data indicated in 3a(2) above, when no prior
planning data is available. Security and maintenance personnel are the most likely sources.
4. Determine the type and extent of search required:
a. Type: Overt--No attempt is made to conceal the search of the facility.
b. Extent:
(1) Search of entire facility:
Is time consuming.
Requires cooperation of occupants since a search team is not likely to know what
belongs in each area.