Controls the storage and use of classified, accountable, or sensitive publications as required by their security
classifications and the Department of the Army Information Security Program (in accordance with AR 380-5,
Department of the Army Information Security Program).
Reviews the annual distribution printout received from the USAAGPC.
Establishes and maintains an internal distribution scheme for publications received by the unit.
Ensures that publications account personnel in the unit are properly trained and are familiar with the
requirements of AR 310-2, Identification and Distribution of DA Publications and Issue of Agency and
Command Administrative Publications, and DA Pam 25-30, Consolidated Index of Army Publications and
Blank Forms.
To get publications, the unit has to establish an account with the US Army Publications Center (USAPC),
Baltimore, MD. The form used to activate an account is DA Form 12-R (Request for Establishment of a
Publications Account) (Figure 1). Upon USAAGPC's approval of the account, the unit submits another DA Form
12-R (Figure 2). Along with that form will go the other DA Form 12 series forms for the kinds of publications
needed. For example, DA Form 12-40A-R is used to order conventional ammunition publications. This enables
the unit to receive its initial distribution of required publications, which provides the unit its full compliment of
new and updated publications. Both forms must be filled out in accordance with DA Circular 310-86-2, The
Standard Army Publications System (STARPUBS). All 12-series forms may be locally reproduced.
Until approval of a publications account by the USAPC, the unit may submit DA Forms 17 (Request for
Publications and Blank Forms) (Figure 3) to the installation publications stockroom.
After the initial distribution has been made, DA Form 4569 (USAAGPC Requisition Code Sheet) is used to
requisition publications from the USAAGPC (Figure 4).
DA Pam 25-30 comes on microfiche and is a way to ensure that unit publications are up to date. Besides
providing a way to make sure publications already in the unit are current, the fiche can be used to double check
that publications about to be ordered are available. To use this index properly, the instructions listed in Section 1,
the first microfiche, should be followed. Identification of each section and what publications series are on it is
printed across the top of each sheet of the microfiche. This information is large enough to be seen without a
reader. There are no hard copies of DA Pam 25-30.
Classified publications must be controlled in accordance with AR 310-2 and AR 380-5. For a unit to obtain
classified publications, it must have a mission requirement. Then, it must establish a classified account with the
USAAGPC. This can be done with the initial request or as the need arises. Marking, safekeeping, storage, and
declassification and downgrading procedures for classified publications are outside the scope of this subcourse.
More information on these topics is in Sections III, IV, and V of AR 380-5.