File numbers are placed on publications covers or publications' binders. They indicate the order in which
publications must be shelved (Figure 7). For example, file number 310-2e would be how reference publications
should be labeled and shelved. Within the example number, 310-2e, the publications would be shelved in
numerical order. Instructions for using these filing numbers are in AR 25-400-2, The Modern Army
Recordkeeping System (MARKS). This regulation provides file numbers and instructions for properly
maintaining references.
Figure 7. File Numbers on a Publications Binder and a Publication Cover.
After publications are printed, users often find mistakes and recommend changes. These corrections and
recommendations are submitted on DA Forms 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms).
These forms go to the proponent of that particular document. If, after a proponent review, there is a change, it is
printed and distributed to the users. How changes are prepared and inserted depends on whether the publication is
loose-leaf or bound. Loose-leaf publications are easily taken apart, so when changes to them are necessary, they
are issued as replacement pages. A symbol, such as a star, indicates change on new pages. In bound publications,
pages are not removed, so changes to them are not replacements. Instead, changes affecting several pages appear
on a change sheet (Figure 8), and changes have to be written in the publication (Figure 9). When changes are
posted for either kind of publication, the change sheet is dated as of the posting. There is more information on
posting publications in the Publications Inspection part of this subcourse and in DA Pam 310-13, Posting and
Filing Publications.