MM4618, Lesson 1
The operator performing PMCS on equipment fills out blocks 1, 2, 3, 6, and 7 on the DA Form 2404. Blocks
4a, 4b, 4c, 4d, 5, and 8a and columns a, b, and d are left blank until a fault or a part that cannot be repaired or
replaced is found. If no faults are found, the operator enters the date of the PMCS in column c and initials column
e. Blocks 9 and 10 are filled in according to local policy.
If the operator finds a fault with the equipment that cannot be repaired or if a part is required, he or she
completes the heading and enters the technical manual item number in column a, the appropriate status code in
column b, and the deficiency or shortcoming in column c. If the fault makes the equipment not mission capable
(NMC), the operator draws a circle around the item number in column a.
When corrective action is taken, the operator explains the action in column d. The individual who performs the
repair will initial over the status symbol. For quality control, the supervisor or a designated individual checks all
corrected status symbol faults. The inspector then initials column e.
DA Form 2408-14
The DA Form 2408-14 (Uncorrected Fault Record) (Figure 1-4) is a record of uncorrected faults and deferred
maintenance actions on equipment. Deferred maintenance actions are authorized delays for repair or
Figure 1-4. DA Form 2408-14.