MM4618, Lesson 1
Those faults deferred by the commander or a designated representative are transferred from DA Form 2404 to
DA Form 2408-14. Although status symbol faults cannot be deferred, they may be downgraded to a circled X,
and then placed on DA Form 2408-14. If this action is taken, the words "cleared for limited operations" and the
specific limits under which the equipment may be operated are printed in column d of DA Form 2404. If a circled
X is transferred to DA Form 2408-14, the date the limited operation must end is included on the DA Form 2408-
14. The ending date for limited operation must be no more than one week from the date of the downgrade action.
The commander or designated representative then signs block 9a of the DA Form 2404.
DA Form 2405
DA Form 2405 (Maintenance Request Register) (Figure 1-5) provides a record of all job orders received and
handled by the maintenance activity. However, it may be used at the unit level as a quality control sheet and as a
record of the maintenance requests sent to support maintenance. DA Form 2405 is kept on file for six months
after the latest date entered in column h and then destroyed.
Figure 1-5. DA Form 2405.
DA Form 2407
DA Form 2407 (Maintenance Request) (Figure 1-6) serves three purposes. It is used to request support
maintenance, to request or report a modification work order (MWO), and to report warranty claims.
DA Form 2407 consists of five copies. Receipt copy 1 is used as a hand receipt by the unit requesting
maintenance and is destroyed when the equipment is returned to the unit. The national maintenance point (NMP)
copy (copy 2) is used as directed by local command except when an MWO is applied. When an MWO is applied,
this copy is sent