MM4618, Lesson 1
DA Form 2408-9
DA Form 2408-9 (Equipment Control Record) provides maintenance managers at all levels initial basic
equipment acceptance and identification information for selected items in the Army inventory. It also provides a
means for updating information on ownership, location, usage, transfers, gains, losses, overhaul and rebuild, and
disposition of equipment.
A DA Form 2408-9 is made out when any condition listed below occurs:
Acceptance and Registration - A DA Form 2408-9 (Figure 1-10) used as an acceptance and registration report
is like a birth certificate for a piece of equipment. Normally, the report is filled out by the agency that accepts
the equipment into the Army inventory. This form is used as the source document for data needed to
complete all other TAMMS forms.
Figure 1-10. DA Form 2408-9 Filled-Out as an Acceptance and Registration Report.
Usage - A periodic usage report (DA Form 2408-9) (Figure 1-11) is used to report total miles, kilometers, and
hours on a piece of equipment. Usage reports are filled out on different dates-1 August for combat vehicles,
1 October for nontactical vehicles, and 1 November for tactical vehicles.
Transfer - A transfer report (DA Form 2408-9) (Figure 1-12) is prepared each time equipment needing a DA
Form 2408-9 is transferred between parent units, property books, or property accounts. A DA Form 2408-9
(report code 1) is filled out by both the losing unit (report code 2) and the gaining unit.