MM4618, Lesson 1
Figure 1-14. DA Form 2408-9 Filled-Out as a Gain Report.
Usage report - Keep the copy of the latest usage report until the next report is sent in. A copy of the latest
usage report will go with an item when it is evacuated to depot for overhaul.
Transfer report - Keep the transfer report until the next transfer action.
DA Form 2408-20
DA Form 2408-20 (Oil Analysis Log) is used as a record of oil samples taken and the lab analysis of these
samples (Figure 1-15). If equipment requiring this form is removed from the unit for any reason, the DA Form
2408-20 will go with the component. A completed DA Form 2408-20 is kept for six months after the last entry is
made in column 4.
DA Form 2409
DA Form 2409 (Equipment Maintenance Log [Consolidated]) provides a complete maintenance history of an
item of equipment (Figure 1-16). The form is destroyed six months after the date of the last entry in sections B
and C.