You should assemble all the information you can about the item to be processed. You may get information from
drawings, specifications, technical manuals, directives, and supply bulletins pertaining to the complete rounds, to
include their proper packing. You must work closely with the maintenance officer and his operations non-
commissioned officer, and jointly discuss the method or procedure. The first form that should be filled out will be
a process flow sheet (See Figure 1-1).
Figure 1-1. Sample Process Flow Sheet.
A process flow sheet is a chart for recording the proper sequence of steps and operations normally found on an
operating line. The chart should begin with the ammunition to be processed coming from storage, and follows it
through each step to the finished reworked item. All types of ammunition to be processed must go through the
following steps:
1. Unpacking.
2. Repairing.
3. Disassembly.
4. Replacing.
5. Reassembly.
6. Repacking.