DA Form 1298. The ASP voucher number is entered in Block 28 of DA Form 581. The second action establishes
a suspense date that is a given number of days prior to the RDD. Local SOP establishes the number of days
(normally one to three days).
Immediate issues provide ammunition for unscheduled or short-notice requirements. Examples are unforecasted
training ammunition requests and most combat issues. As with routine issues, a due-out is established if the
issue is not required within 24 hours in order to ensure that visibility of the pending issue is not lost.
Select Stocks
On the date processing begins, the document control section forwards the DA Form 581 from the suspense file to
the stock control section for review and selection of appropriate DODICs and condition-code stocks by lot number
and location. The selection of stocks for issue must be based on the following priorities:
Priority 1. Smallest lots of ammunition.
Priority 2. Ammunition designated as "priority issue" (Condition Code C).
Priority 3. Acceptable substitute from excess stocks. Coordination must be made with the requesting unit to
ensure that the substitute ammunition meets the needs of the unit (for example: 81mm mortar ammunition
not cleared for overhead fire).
Priority 4. Oldest ammunition of the type being issued.
Priority 5. All other stocks.
Special care must be taken to ensure that the following guidelines are followed when stocks are selected for
Issue only serviceable ammunition.
Advise using units of limitations on the use of restricted ammunition (Condition Code B) and ammunition
suspended from issue and use except for emergency combat (Condition Code N). Refer to TB 9-1300-385
for guidance on these limitations.
Never issue ammunition classified by TB 9-1300-385 as "suspended from issue, movement, and use" or
"suspended from issue and use."
Closely monitor issues of miscellaneous small lots of artillery ammunition so that the using unit will not
become over burdened with small lots. This is important to artillery units in combat to reduce registration with
the Fire Direction Center due to change in lot numbers.
Prepare DA Form 3151-R
The stock control section takes the following data from the lot locator record for the ammunition selected for issue
and enters it on a DA Form 3151-R:
Lot number.
Condition code.
After DA Form 3151-R is prepared, it is sent to the surveillance section for lot clearance and restriction
certification. The surveillance section approves the DA Form 3151-R and returns it to the stock control section.