LESSON 2..................................Signal Input Circuits
All exercises of this lesson are of equal weight.
The total weight is 100.
All references are to TM 11-665, unless otherwise indicated.
1. b--para 107b
2. c--para 110c
3. d--para 112
4. c--para 127a(1)
5. b--para 127b(1)
6. d--para 128c
7. b--para 128f
8. c--para 129b, c, fig. 176, 177
9. c--para 131b
10. c--para 132a
11. d--para 133b, c
12. d--para 149a(3), 149d(1)
The wavetrap should be tuned to the unwanted (image) frequency.
Since the
signal frequency plus twice the IF or 15.252 + (2 x 462) = 16,176 kHz.
13. a--para 149e(2)
14. c--para 149a(4)
15. c--Attached Memorandum, para 2-1
16. d--Attached Memorandum, para 2-2a
17. c--Attached Memorandum, para 2-3e
18. a--Attached Memorandum, para 2-3c, d
19. a--Attached Memorandum, para 2-4a
20. a--Attached Memorandum, para 2-4b
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