LESSON 5 .................................Radio Receiver Operation and Circuit
All exercises of this lesson are of equal weight.
The total weight is 100.
All references are to TM 11-665, unless otherwise indicated.
1. c--para 150b
2. c--para 150e(4)
3. c--para 150f(4)
4. b--para 152a
5. c--para 152b
6. d--para 152b
7. d--para 152e
8. b--para 152e
9. b--para 152f
10. d--para 152g
11. b--para 153a
12. b--para 156b
13. b--para 157d
14. d--para 160c
15. d--para 152f; fig. 206; Attached Memorandum, para 5-3e(l)(f)
a. An open C30 causes a voltage increase and a ripple to appear.
b. A shorted L2 causes a slight voltage increase and a ripple to appear.
c. A shorted R21 causes a voltage increase.
d. An open T5 primary removes plate voltage from V4.
16. c--Attached Memorandum, para 5-1b
17. c--Attached Memorandum, para 5-3a(1)(c)
18. d--Attached Memorandum, para 5-3e(1)(d)
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