LESSON 3 .................................IF Amplifier and Detector Circuits
All exercises of this lesson are of equal weight.
The total weight is 100.
All references are to TM 11-665, unless otherwise indicated.
1. a--para 113
2. b--para 113c(4)
3. d--para 135c
4. a--para 137b
5. a--para 137c
6. d--para 139c
The overall gain of the three identical amplifiers in the IF strip is the cube of
103 = 10 x 10 x 10 - 1,000.
the gain of one.
7. c--para 140a
8. c--para 141a
9. b--para 141b(4)
10. b--para 142a(1)
11. a--para 142b(5)
12. b--para 143a
13. a--para 143b(2), fig. 191
14. b--para 143d(3)
15. c--Attached Memorandum, para 3-1
16. a--Attached Memorandum, para 3-1a(3)
17. a--Attached Memorandum, para 3-1c
18. b--Attached Memorandum, para 3-2c
19. d--Attached Memorandum, para 3-3a
20. d--Attached Memorandum, para 3-3c
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