will then inform the commander of the supported unit that certification of
his equipment is valid, and will provide him with a list of items that were
repaired and/or red-tagged. A similar list will be provided to the platoon
The transfer team will then proceed to the next supported
unit on its scheduled itinerary and perform a cross-check upon its arrival
f. After all supported units on its itinerary have been visited, the
transfer team returns to the secondary reference laboratory.
The team's
secondary transfer standards are once again calibrated and/or cross-checked
to insure that they have not deviated beyond their specified tolerances.
The calibration cycle is considered complete in the event that the cross-
check or calibration of the transfer standards indicate a standard outside
the specified tolerance, an analysis of all measurements using that standard
units of their equipment for which calibration is questionable.
suspected equipment.
a. General. Grouping of cross-checks into parameters is to accomplish
the most accurate method of insuring that transfer standards are within
specified tolerances before using them to calibrate (Table 1).
The major
parameters are as follows:
(4) Distortion.
(5) Graphic display system.