to departing the calibration facility. Any piece of equipment found to be
out of tolerance or malfunctioning will be red-tagged and recalibrated.
After the malfunctioning equipment has been recalibrated and/or repaired,
the transfer team will perform another cross-check.
When all cross-check
procedures have been satisfactorily performed, the transfer team may proceed
on the assigned calibration schedule.
b. Immediately upon arrival at the first supported unit on the
schedule, the team chief notifies operations of their arrival. Vehicles are
emplaced, vans are expanded, proper power is connected and equipment is
turned on allowing the prescribed warmup time for stabilization.
Due to
In high humidity areas you will find that the warmup and
stabilization period may be much longer than in low humidity areas.
ambient temperatures will also affect the warmup time. When stabilization
has occurred, the team will perform a cross-check on their standards. If,
during cross-checking, an item of equipment is found to be out of specified
tolerance or is malfunctioning, the item will be red-tagged and the team
chief will take one of the following actions:
(1) If the transfer team is located within commuting distance of the
secondary reference facility, the team chief will request delivery of a
duplicate or substitute item of equipment that has been calibrated and
certified. This item will be cross-checked upon its arrival.
(2) If the transfer team is located in a remote area and is traveling
by aircraft, the team chief will assign a team member as a courier.
courier will escort a duplicate or substitute the transfer standard item of
equipment, if possible this item will be cross-checked prior to departure
from the AACL area. It will be cross-checked upon arrival at the team.
c. When all cross-checking procedures are complete, and the standards
are within specified tolerance, the team may proceed to calibrate and
certify the supported unit's equipment.
NOTE: Anytime a standard is suspected of being out of tolerance or
malfunctioning, it will be cross-checked and this individual cross-check
entered on the cross-check form.
d. Additional cross-checks will be performed at 4-week intervals. A 3-
day extension from this interval is authorized. A final cross-check must be
accomplished after completion of calibration at the last location
immediately before departing that location and returning to home station.
e. Local SOP may require in addition to the time requirement that upon
completing the calibration of supported unit's equipment, the transfer team
will perform another cross-check of its standards to insure that the
standards are still within specified tolerance. The team chief