(7) (Project). Enter the project code.
(8) (Priority). Enter the priority designator.
(9) (Required Delivery Date). Enter the RDD.
(10) (Advice). Enter the advice code. For shipments from the SSA-level to the wholesale-level, enter the
applicable return advice code.
(11) (RI). Enter the RIC of the activity that directed the shipment.
(12) (Shipped From). Enter the name of the activity that is shipping the item.
(13) (Ship To). Enter the name of the activity to which the item(s) are shipped.
(14) (Mark For). Enter the applicable mark-for data.
(15) (Unit Pack). Enter the unit pack quantity.
(16) (Unit Weight). Enter unit weight.
(17) (Unit Cube). Enter the unit cube.
(18) (Document Date). Enter the date the shipping document was prepared.
(19) (Mat Cond). Enter the condition code.
(20) (Quantity). Leave this block blank. The receiver uses this block to annotate the actual quantity
(21) (Freight Classification Code). Enter Department of Transportation shipping name.
(22) (W). Enter the DODIC.
(23) (Item Nomenclature). Enter nomenclature from the AMDF.
(24) (Total Weight). Enter the total weight.
(25) (Total Cube). Enter the total cube.
(26) (Remarks). Enter lot numbers and their matching quantities.
b. After reviewing the XBT card and DD Form 1348-1, DA Form 3151-R (Ammunition Stores Slip) is
prepared for each vehicle carrying ammunition into the storage area. See Figure 7 for a sample DA Form
3151-R. Use the following column or block instructions to complete the DA Form 3151-R:
(1) (Authority). Enter SSA document control number assigned to the transportation order, redistribution
order, etc.
(2) (Date). Enter the Julian date of the transaction.