1. means. Ref: frames and 2
2. messenger, physical. Ref: frame 3
3. scheduled motor messenger. Ref: frames 10 and 13
4. special air messenger. Ref: frames 10, 11, and 13
5. messenger. Re: frame 9
6. sound, short, short (or simple). Ref: frames 15, 16, end 17
7. visual. Ref: frames 19 thru 26
8. Communications-Electronics Operation- Instructions (CEOI). Ref: frames 22, 23, 24.
9. radio, wire. Ref: frames 28 and 29
10. CW, continuous wave. Ref: frame 28b
11. telephone, radiotelephone (or voice radio). Ref: frames 28a and 31
12. teletypewriter(s). Ref: frames 28c and 34
13. television, facsimile. Ref: frames 28d, 28e, and 32
14. data. Ref: frames 28f and 33
15. circuit (or channel). Ref: frames 28 and 29
16. band (or range), modulation. Ref: frame 45
17. mobile (or flexible), secure. Ref: frames 41 and 43
18. approved. Ref: frame 38
19. single sideband, radio, amplitude. Ref: frame 48