1. The device for getting a message from one person or place to another
is referred to as the _______________________ of communication.
2. Telecommunications is a term that applies to all means of signal com-
munications except __________________ , which is a _____________________ means.
3. If a messenger makes his deliveries by motor vehicle on a regular route
and schedule, he must be a ______________________ _______________________
__________________________ .
4. If a messenger is on call to make a message delivery by traveling in an
aircraft at any time, he must be a ___________________ ___________________
___________________________ .
5. The most secure means of signal communications is __________________ .
6. Bells and sirens are examples of __________________________ communications,
a means of signal communications whose prearranged signals are good for
___________________ distances and _____________________ messages.
7. Pyrotechnics, panels, and lights are examples of ___________________________
signaling, a means that works well if visibility is good and if prearranged
messages are used and kept short.
8. The document that governs what visual signals a unit will use is the
unit's ____________________ _______________________ ___________________ .
9. All electrical/electronic means involve circuits formed of _________________
or ______________________ , or a combination of these two media.
10. International Morse code is sent by radiotelegraph, a mode of trans-
mission identified by the abbreviation _________________________ , which stands for
_____________________ _________________________ .