This text is for teaching yourself the various means of communication the Army uses for purposes of
command and control. After reading this text, you should:
b. Be able to identify the several means of communication.
c. Know the advantages and disadvantages inherent in each means of communication.
This text is presented in frames. Each frame is a small bit of instruction. The frames in their sequence as
numbered form a program for attaining the objectives of this text.
a. Read and Respond. As a rule, each frame requires some kind of response from you; for example, filling a
blank space with the correct word or words, or selecting the correct completion response from two or more
choices appearing in parentheses. A few frames require no response, but contain information you must read.
Such an information frame relates to subsequent frames that do require responses; so read each information frame.
As you read, we recommend that you place a sheet of paper or a piece of cardboard over the next frame below the
one you are reading to cover the frame answers.
b. Check Each Response. After you complete a frame, advance to the next frame and check your response
against the desired response (the correct solution); they should be the same or very nearly so. Then go on to the
next frame.
c. Read Summary and Complete the Self-Test. After you finish all the frames, read the summary. Next,
take the self-test. Finally, check your answers to the self-test against the solutions.