Example 1. Twenty tons of 105mm high explosive semifixed artillery cartridges are tentatively planned to be
stored in one stack. It is necessary for planning to find three things: the maximum gross tons per stack; the gross
tons allowable per FSU; and the minimum allowable distance between stacks barricaded, stacks unbarricaded,
FSU unbarricaded, and categories.
First, the category of semifixed ammunition must be determined (see page 9). Since these cartridges are high
explosive and not incendiary or chemical, they fall into Category A.
Next, the table in the extract in Figure 6 is used. The Category A section in the extract shows that if a stack of
Category A ammunition is under 10 tons, the top line is used; for 10 tons up to 20 tons (what the example is), the
second line is used. The second line shows the following planning factors:
Twenty tons is the maximum allowable gross tons per stack.
The maximum allowable gross tons per FSU is 400 tons.
The minimum allowable distance between unbarricaded stacks is 50 feet.
The minimum allowable distance between barricaded stacks is 40 feet.
The minimum allowable distance between unbarricaded FSUs is 300 feet.
The minimum allowable distance between categories is 750 feet.
This information can now be used to place stacks and FSUs in a section or in sections, depending on terrain,
allowable distances, and what else needs to be stored.
Example 2. Determine the minimum distance in feet required between Category B and Category D
ammunition. Look at the table in Figure 6. Categories A, B, and D use the same table for field storage. The
minimum distance is 750 feet.
Example 3. Determine how many feet are required between Categories E and A. Look at the table in Figure
6. Category A requires 750 feet, but Category E requires 900 feet. Minimum distance is 900 feet because, for
safety reasons, the greater distance is always used.
Example 4. Determine the minimum separation distance required between two unbarricaded stacks. One is
a 10-ton stack of propelling charges and the other is a 10-ton stack of fuzes. Both of these items are Category B
(see page 9). The table in Figure 6 shows that unbarricaded stacks of Category B require at least 50 feet
between stacks. But Note 2 says that there must be at least 100 feet between propelling charges and any other
stacks, whether barricaded or unbarricaded. The minimum separation distance is 100 feet because the greater
distance is always used.
QDs will determine how far apart stacks, FSUs, and categories of the system chosen must be spaced. They
may necessitate enlarging the total area used for storage. Next, the kind of storage system most suitable to the
site is picked.
There are three storage systems used in field storage: area storage, roadside storage, and area and roadside
storage combined. Which is used depends on the geographical features of the ASP. It is best if the terrain is
level and hard enough to support vehicles and materials handling equipment (MHE).
With area storage, ammunition is stacked throughout the sections in a checkerboard pattern (Figure 7). The
advantage of area storage is that it makes the most efficient use of the area available for storage of ammunition.
Its disadvantage is that it requires terrain that is level and dry, which is often not possible.