Figure 9. Area and Roadside Storage.
Locate Sections
The first step in developing a storage plan is to establish on the map of the proposed ASP (Figure 10) where
the storage sections will be (Figure 11). When storage sections are being established, the following factors must
be taken into consideration:
There should be at least three storage sections. This is the ideal number of sections. The only exception to
this is when a platoon operates a separate ASP. In that case there can be two or, sometimes, one section.
Each section should be about the same size. The ground for each should be level as possible with as good
There should be room for ample road networks within each section.
Each section should border the outer perimeter. This way rockets will be able to be stored in each section.
Each section should be able to be expanded.
Establish FSUs
The second step in developing a storage plan is to establish the FSUs within the sections (Figure 12). The
following factors should be taken into consideration:
Each FSU should store only one field storage category. This makes the computation of QD much easier.
Any FSU containing rockets must be located on an outer perimeter, with the rockets facing away from the
storage area.
Ensure there are enough FSUs based on the gross tonnage and maximum tons allowed per FSU.
Decide Number of Stacks and Location
The last step in preparing a storage plan is deciding how many stacks will be used and where they will be
(Figure 13). The following factors must be taken into consideration:
The number of stacks per FSU are based on the allowable tons of ammunition that can be put in each stack
and the maximum allowable tons per FSU (Figure 6).
Interstack QDs must be used for planning spacing.
It takes at least 2 stacks to make an FSU.
Use Plan
After the storage plan is completed (Figure 13), it should be channeled through the chain of command for
approval. After approval is given, a map of the completed storage plan should be made up and reproduced, so it
can be used to direct customer units to the proper storage areas.