Verifies receipt/issue of ATP ammunition.
Ensures ammunition requests are within the controlled supply rate for the particular unit.
Authenticates the DA Form 581.
Under the manual system, keeps the Operations Element informed of the ammunition
supply status. TACCS would perform this task under the automated system.
Assists the ATO NCOIC in selecting ATP sites.
Notifies the ATP NCOIC when ammunition convoys are due to arrive at the ATP.
Compares signatures on DA Form 581 with DA Form 1687 when authenticating ammunition
2. The three elements we just discussed all work under the direction of the Class V Supply Section
Office. This is usually where you will find the DAO and his Chief Ammunition NCO.
a. The DAO is responsible for the overall operations and control of the office. He can be a Division
Support Command (DISCOM) staff officer, or he may function under the Materiel Management Center
(MMC) of the DISCOM. As such, he represents the MMC and DISCOM commander on matters
pertaining to ammunition requirements.
b. In cases having major impact on the DISCOM mission, the DAO obtains approval of the
DISCOM commander or the DMMO before taking action. He maintains liaison with the supporting
ASPs, and ammunition staff officers at higher headquarters (i.e. COSCOM MMC Class V section,
COSCOM MMC). Specifically, the DAV has the following functions:
Recommends/requests throughout shipments necessary to support the division ATPs.
Requests additional transportation assets for unsupported requirements through the
Movement Control Office in the DISCOM SPO.
Requests changes in the corps push packages based on the anticipated combat
Coordinates with the G4 on the scheduling of corps ammunition conveys to the ATPs,