Table 5.
Specifications, model 478A.
e. Pulse Energy and Peak Power, for 478A/432 combination.
For pulses
shorter than 250 A, energy per pulse must not exceed 10 W-s and peak power
should never exceed 200 watts, for example, a 40 mW, 250 s pulse contains 10 W-
s of energy. Pulses longer than 250 s are allowed to contain more energy but
peak power must not exceed 200 W. Figures 27 and 28 interpret these limits in
graphical form.
The limitations given above are basically the same for
478A/431 combination with the exception that at pulse repetition rates less
than 1 kHz, energy per pulse must not exceed 5 W-s and peak power must not
exceed 10 mW. These limits are also interpreted in Figures 1 and 2.
maximum power meter reading versus square wave frequency is illustrated in
Figure 29. This figure also holds true for sine wave modulations.