6. Assume that a radio receiver uses an IF strip consisting of three identical
gain of the IF strip is
a. 30.
c. 300.
b. 100.
d. 1,000.
7. The selection of an intermediate frequency in a receiver is a compromise
between conflicting characteristics.
Compared with the high intermediate
frequencies, a characteristic of the lower IF's is
a. low gain.
b. poor selectivity.
8. The selectivity of a receiver should be high to override noise and overcome
The selectivity in the IF stages of a
superheterodyne receiver can be increased by
a. inserting loading resistors.
b. stagger-tuning the IF stages.
c. providing a regenerative circuit.
d. using a galena crystal in a balanced bridge circuit.
9. Assume that an interfering signal is approximately 1,000 Hz from the desired
signal frequency passing through the IF amplifier in A of figure 188 (TM 11-665).
The interfering signal can be effectively rejected by adjusting capacitor
a. C1.
c. C5.
b. C2.
d. C6.
detector is preferred over other types of detectors in AM receivers because the
a. output waveform is a mirror image of the input waveform.
b. diode can handle high-level signals with less distortion than other types
of detectors.
c. diode detector has no gain and therefore does not magnify the amplitude of
distortion products.
d. curved characteristic of a diode provides the most efficient operating
condition for detection.
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