c. gain of a transistorized IF amplifier is less than that of an electron-
tube IF amplifier.
d. impedance of a transistorized IF amplifier circuit is low and is therefore
less susceptible to feedback.
16. Three methods to limit bandwidth of the IF signal are in use in various
a. variable-coupled transformers, band-limiting filters, and crystals.
b. band-limiting filters, crystals, and adjustable coupling capacitors.
c. crystals,
d. adjustable coupling capacitors, variable-coupled transformers, and band-
limiting filters.
17. Assume that you are comparing the characteristics of four transistorized
radio receivers with intermediate frequencies of 262, 336, 445, and 465 kHz. The
receiver from which the greatest gain and stability can be obtained is the one with
an IF of
a. 262 kHz.
c. 445 kHz.
b. 336 kHz.
d. 465 kHz.
18. The function of resistor R1 in figure 3-2 of the attached memorandum is to
b. adjust the output volume.
d. broaden the response of transformer T2.
19. The function of diode Z2 in figure 3-3 of the attached memorandum is to
a. delay the application of AGC voltage.
b. develop the base-emitter bias for the AGC amplifier.
c. demodulate the IF to supplement the detector AF output.
d. develop the AGC voltage by rectifying a sample of the IF.
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