f. Provide management tools to those command levels that manage Training Ammunition. These
tools will help control ammunition usage by subordinate units.
g. Develop an accurate data base. This will permit an objective analysis of Training Ammunition
used to aid in the development of requirements.
3. Ammunition cost requires command management to obtain the greatest training benefits at the least
cost. Managing Training Ammunition, as with any resource, is inherent with command. The TAMS
supports the following:
a. Provides for command involvement in managing training ammunition.
b. Allows the commander to influence authorizations.
c. Is flexible in adjusting authorizations to fit changing circumstances.
d. Provides authorization control of each commander's subordinate elements.
e. Provides incentives to commanders to conserve ammunition.
4. The Training Ammunition Management System operates within the Army's Planning, Programming,
and Budgeting System (PPBS). (See Figure 1.) It is divided into three phases: requirements
developments, authorization preparation, and execution. While these phases are theoretically distinct,
the reality of the process is far more complex. The length of a single cycle of the TAMS is such that
three separate cycles can run concurrently. As an example, in the fall of 1987:
a. Units were training using FY 88 ammunition authorization. (Execution)
b. The Army Logistic Planners were preparing authorizations for FY 89.
c. The Major Commands and the Army Staff were preparing the 5 year Defense Ammunition
Program for FY's 90 - 95. (Requirements Developments)
5. A description of each phase of the TAMS is:
a. Requirements development.
(1) HQDA provides initial guidance on developing requirements in the Preliminary Army
Planning and Programming Guidance Memorandum (PAPPGM).
(2) Major commands prepare requirements for each of the succeeding 5 years and forward them
to HQDA. The TAAC reviews and approves them and makes recommendations to the DCSOPS.
(3) The Ar my S t a f f p r o v i d e s AMC with T r a i n i n g Ammunit io n r e q u i r e m e n t s for their
i n c o r p o r a t i o n , along with o t h e r r e q u i r e m e n t s , i n t o t h e Ar my's M a t e r i e l Plan ( A M P ) . The