1. Training Ammunition requirements must be developed well in advance of scheduled training. Under
the TAMS, requirements are developed in FY 88 for training scheduled for FY 90.
Commanders/training planners must remember that fiscal year authorizations are not carried over from
one fiscal year to the next. All unused Training Ammunition authorizations will be zeroed out at the end
of each fiscal year. The value of unused remaining authorizations will be calculated by DA DCSOPS
for redistribution into authorizations of the next fiscal year.
2. Training Ammunition requirements will be developed along command lines. Each echelon is
responsible for ensuring that the Training Ammunition requirements of all its subordinate elements are
developed, validated, and submitted in accordance with the MACOM directive.
3. In the development of Training Ammunition requirements, there are essentially three features
associated with TAMS: guidelines, policies and goals, and authorization.
a. The Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) establishes Training Ammunition guidelines.
These guidelines are contained in Training Circular (TC) 25-3. This Training Circular provides
guidance on qualification and sustainment training for individual weapons, crew-served weapons and
unit missions.
Also available for use by training planners is the Army's Training Evaluation Program (ARTEP)
publication for each type TO&E.
Within this publication, there are TRADOC guidelines on the type and quantity of ammunition required
to train your unit in its mission. For example, the quantity and type required to evaluate your unit in the
mission of "Defend Convoy Operations" is listed.
b. After DA reviews these guidelines, TRADOC distributes them to other Major Army Commands
(MACOM) and units. MACOMs may then supplement these guidelines to their subordinate units (See
Figure 2). For TAMS purposes, the following are considered MACOMs:
Forces Command.
Training and Doctrine Command.
US Army, Europe, and Seventh Army.
US Army, Western Command.
Eighth US Army.
Health Services Command.