Disregard the numbers 1.1W1/3, 1.25W1/3, 2W1/3, and so on under the column entitled
Intermagazine hazard factors and distances (feet) in figure 2-17. These numbers have no
bearing on the table as far as you are concerned.
Go down the left side of the table under the "Net pounds of explosive" until you find over 900 not
over 1,000.
Now go across the top of the table under "Intermagazine hazard factors and distances (feet)" until
you find the hazard factors of 9 which you obtained from table 5-6 (fig. 2-16). Where the two columns
intersect you will find the number 110, which means the two magazines must be separated by a
distance of 110 feet.
We have been using class 1.1 up to this point and covered the following:
Table 5-4 (fig. 2-11) Class 1.1 IBD and PTR distances.
Table 5-5 (fig. 2-14) Class 1.1 Intraline Separations.
Table 5-6 (fig. 2-16) and 5-7 (fig. 2-17) Class 1.1 Intermagazine distances.
We now go to class 1.2.
Class 1.2. Nonmass Detonating Fragment Producing, Figure 2-18.