Check the propelling charge increment bags inside the cartridge case. For most 105mm ammunition, there are
seven cloth-bagged increments (see Figure 2-8). They are numbered 1 through 7 on top of the bag, and their
sequencing inside the cartridge case is extremely important. The seven increment bags are tied together with
acrylic cord in numerical order. Increment number 1 is at the base of the cartridge case, and increment number 7
is toward the mouth of the cartridge case. If any bags are missing, never add bags from another incomplete
charge. Each bag contains a precise amount of propellant, and mixing bags can cause an inaccurate firing if the
guncrew must vary the size of the propelling charge to meet a required firing distance. Also, the foil side of
increment number 5 must face the primer. Inspect the bags for deterioration, mildew, or stain. Deterioration will
discolor and cause a loss of tensile strength in the cloth. Badly deteriorated bags should tear or disintegrate with
little or no effort when you apply pressure to them with your index finger. If the bags withstand this test, they are
acceptable. If a bag should tear, or if mildew or stains are found on any of the bags, the entire propelling charge
is unacceptable. Therefore, set it aside for disposal.
Figure 2-8. Propelling Charge Increment Bags.
After you have inspected the semifixed round and found it to be acceptable, repack it in a serviceable fiber
container. Replace the fiber container in the wooden ammunition box.
To repack a double-end fiber container, you must determine in which end of the container you should place the
projectile. To do this, look inside the container. The projectile will go in the end of the container that has the
cardboard sleeve inside it.
Replace the packing stop, if used, in the slots on the fuze. Holding the container at a slight (30-to 60-degree)
angle, insert the projectile nose-first into the container. Seat it firmly. Use filler material, if necessary, and slide
on the first end cap.
Next, place felt or other padding in the second end cap. Place the cartridge case, base-first, into the second end
cap so that the primer is protected by the padding. Insert a cardboard spacer in the open end of the cartridge
case, making contact with the propelling charge increments. Slide the container over the cartridge case and seat
it in the end cap.