Now that the round is inside the container, seal the end caps with two layers of black plastic filament-reinforced
tape over the joints, leaving a 1-inch pulltab at the end. The containers are now ready to be placed in the
ammunition box. Position the containers inside the ammunition box with the heavier end of each container at
opposite ends of the box. Place padding on top of the fiber containers. Close the box and secure the hasp.
Reband and seal the ammunition box.
Separate-loading projectiles are usually shipped palletized and always arrive unfuzed, with an eyebolt lifting plug
threaded into the fuze well. You must remove the eyebolt lifting plug to inspect the fuze well. See Figure 2-9. To
do this, carefully place the projectile on an inspection cradle. Next, insert a straight bar through the eyebolt lifting
plug and turn the bar counterclockwise in order to loosen it (see Figure 2-10). Remove the bar. Then remove the
eyebolt lifting plug by hand. Remove the cardboard spacer from the fuze well. Inspect it to see if it is wet, torn, or
damaged. If any of these conditions is present, set the projectile aside for an ammunition inspector.
Figure 2-9. Fuze Well and Eyebolt Lifting Plug of a Separate-Loading Projectile.