Figure 4, DA Form 2416
(k) A complete and up-to-date technical library is essential to
company operations.
convenient to calibration personnel.
It should contain directives from
higher headquarters and instructions from higher echelon calibration
facilities relative to calibration regulations governing listing procedures
and frequency of calibration, appropriate technical manuals, technical
bulletins, copies of TMDE lists of supported units, and copies of latest
publications indexes.
(10) Technical supply section
(a) Shop supply functions are performed by supply personnel
organic to this section. These personnel comprise the shop supply element
which provides the repair parts and maintenance materials required for the
calibration standards and accessory equipment utilized by the secondary
reference laboratories and secondary transfer teams in the conduct of their
operations. It requisitions supplies; examines incoming shipments to verify
correctness of quantity, classification, and nomenclature; maintains records
pertaining to receipt, storage, and issue of materiel; and prepares reports
as required.
The functions performed by this element are essentially
technical supply functions and are separated from other organization supply
functions to provide rapid response to the company's repair parts
(b) Since this company has no external supply mission, shop supply
will issue items only to other company elements.
Requisitions from the
operating sections may be submitted to shop supply on DA Form 2407-1.
Specific procedures for requesting repair parts from shop supply should be
made a matter of company SOP.