f. Sets, Kits, and Outfits Component List (CL): This publication
includes action code, national stock number, managing activity, description,
unit of issue, quantity per set, expendability and illustration.
g. Supply Catalogs.
(1) SC 4931-92-CL-1, Sets, Kits, and Outfits Components List
Calibration Standards Set....This catalog is an alphabetical list of all
component items that comprise the secondary transfer and secondary reference
standards and accessories sets.
Each set has been separated into three
categories: DC-LO frequency, microwave, and physical.
Items which are
limited deployment are also listed in the catalog.
(a) The Maintenance Support items are located at DC-LO Reference
for control purposes, and are to be used where required for maintenance.
All microwave sets are limited deployment for Reference and Transfer Sets.
(b) The secondary transfer set is issued for calibration of Army
test, measurement, and diagnostic equipment. The secondary reference set is
issued for calibration of secondary transfer standards and for calibrating
Army test, measurement, and diagnostic equipment which cannot be supported
by secondary transfer standards.
These sets are authorized by tables of
distribution and allowances and tables of organization and equipment. This
catalog is intended as a requisitioning and reference document for use by
using troops, depots, and supply organizations.
(c) The US Army Missile Materiel Readiness Command (MIRCOM) is
assigned Inventory Management responsibility and has been designated to
prepare and maintain this catalog.
Requisitions for replacement of
component items will be submitted to the Managing Activity having issue
responsibility as indicated in the "Managing Activity" column.
The components list is
arranged in alphabetical sequence by item name, and contains the following
(a) Action Code (ACT).
Symbols shown in the action code column
indicate the type of action taken in the catalog. The action symbols used
are defined as follows: