MM4618, Lesson 2
7. QD CLASS-Enter the quantity distance (QD) class (UNO class) of the NSN for Zone of Interior from the
DOD consolidated ammunition catalog maintained in the operations office.
8. COMP GP-Enter the storage compatibility group from the DOD consolidated ammunition catalog if Zone
of Interior storage methods are used.
9. NEW-Enter the net explosive weight (NEW) per round from the DOD consolidated ammunition catalog.
10. FS CAT-Enter the field storage category for the NSN from the DOD consolidated ammunition catalog if
field storage methods are used.
11. WGT/RD-Enter the weight per round from the DOD consolidated ammunition catalog.
12. WGT/PK-Enter the weight per unit pack from block I of the DD Form 1348-1.
13. U/PK-Enter the type of pack from block H of the DD Form 1348-1.
14. CUBE-Enter the cubic feet per unit pack from block J of the DD Form 1348-1.
15. U/I-Enter the unit of issue from the Unit of Issue block at the top of the DD Form 1348-1.
16. U/PRICE-Enter the unit price from the DOD consolidated ammunition catalog.
Complete blocks 17 through 21 (see Figure 2-4) at the top of the lot locator record as follows:
17. RECORD TITLE-Draw a line through or block out the words "DODIC MASTER" in the form title.
18. CC-Enter the condition code for the lot quantity that is posted in each column from the Remarks block of
the DD Form 1348-1.
19. LOC-Enter the storage location from the Remarks block of the DD Form 1348-1. Do not duplicate
warehouse numbers within a SAAS-4 account. For example, if two ASPs have accounts maintained by
the same SAAS-4 SSA, ensure their warehouse numbers are different. At present, the storage location is
a five-position code. The first three positions are numeric for warehouse designation. The fourth and fifth
codes are used to identify storage locations within the warehouse. The storage point may assign the
fourth and fifth codes to meet their own special requirements; however, make the fourth and fifth codes
alphabetic because the automated SAAS-4 system includes plans for a sixth and seventh code.
20. BALANCE ON HAND/BALANCE BROUGHT FORWARD-Enter the total amount of the lot transferred
from the preceding lot locator record. Make no entry when the record is established for a new lot.
21. BALANCE BROUGHT FORWARD-Enter the quantities in the locations brought forward. There are four
columns for this. Use of more than one column for the same condition code is allowed when locations
are different. If more columns are required for condition code/location code entries, prepare additional lot
number records.