This 6-place divider is direct reading in volts.
The decimal point follows the number on the largest dial. To read the decade
divider refer to Figure 5.
Figure 5.
Reading of divider dial.
Dial is set to 3.75914 volts.
This switch controls the voltage appearing at
In the V position
voltage across the bridge (from terminal 14 to terminal 4) appears at terminals
22 and 21.
This occurs independently of the setting of the RVG-NULL-STAB
In the V position the positive output of the reference voltage
generator is connected to terminal 22 and the top of the bridge to terminal 21.
Thus the difference between them may be read on a "floating" external
The RVG-NULL-STAB switch must be in the RVG position for a
meaningful output. In addition the output of the reference voltage generator
can be obtained between terminal 22 and 4. The center REM position is for a
possible future