b. When the owner/user submits an unserviceable item
of TMDE-SP for
DS/GS/AVIM unit repair, a DA Form 2407 will be completed in
accordance with
TM 750-25-1 and submitted with the TMDE-SP. The supporting
will complete and process the DA Form 2407 as outlined in TM
c. When the owner/user submits TMDE-GP or TMDE-SP to an ACRC for
calibration or repair, a DA Form 2407 is not required but may be used when
deemed locally necessary.
When deemed necessary, a memorandum of
understanding will be consummated between the TMDE owner/user and supporting
d. Calibration Responsibility Column.
This column in TB 43-180-1
identifies the type calibration facility responsible for calibration support
of the TMDE.
When calibration cannot be accomplished by the calibration
facility identified the next higher calibration support level should be
utilized. Some items submitted for calibration or repair (as identified in
individual TB's) must be accompanied by other items furnished by user in
order to accomplish support. The entries used in this column are described
below and shown in figure 2-5.
(1) The letter F identifies those special purpose items which must
continue to be supported by the DS/GS/AVIM unit.
(2) The letter T identifies those items of TMDE which are to be
supported by the Area TMDE Support Team (ATST).
(3) The letter S identifies those items of TMDE which are to be
supported by the Area Calibration Laboratory (ACL).
(4) The letter P indicates calibration
assigned to the Army Standards Laboratory.
(5) The letters N/A indicate test sets, tool kits, measurement
systems; etc., that do not require calibration as an assemblage and are
listed for information only.
However, individual components contained
within sets, kits, systems; etc., do require calibration and the calibration
requirements are listed separately in this bulletin. DA Form 2416 will not
be submitted for the assemblage (items identified as N/A), but will be
submitted for each calibrateable component.
a. Commanders of all Army units are responsible for assuring the
accuracy of authorized TMDE. TBs 43-181 and 43-182 are published to assist
units in identifying authorized items of TMDE requiring calibration. Users
of TMDE are responsible to take the necessary action to obtain calibration