Figure 2. DA Form 3260
(b) Let's look at a typical drawing and identify its important features. We will use drawing number
19-48-4005-1-2-3-4-14-22A1000 (see Appendix). The first page of a drawing is a cover
page. A drawing cover page will generally provide the following information:
Drawing title
Index of contents
A block giving the basic drawing number and the number of times it has been revised.
(c) Page 2 of a drawing will normally have short notes which explain in detail any deviations from
the applicable drawing page. Always read the general notes before attempting to apply the
drawing. Page 2 will also provide a listing of material specifications, and it may give a listing
of the revisions made and the changes they effected.
(d) Pages 3, 4 and 5 (in this example) indicate different methods of stacking, depending on the
item packaging. Always select the appropriate drawing based on your own situation.