The notification of evacuation to the owner/user must include
the information outlined in Figure 1.
(5) When a TMDE-SP is evacuated by a DS unit, the DS unit enters the
"Date Submitted" to the GS unit on Section 2 of the DA Form 2402. The DS
unit retains Section 3 as a receipt. The reverse side of Section 3 must be
dated and signed in Blocks 33 and 34 by the individual at the supporting GS
unit who is authorized to receive the TMDE-SP.
(6) When repair and calibration is completed, the repairing unit
completes DA Form 2402, Block 7, by entering the date work is completed and
the technician initials in the blocks provided.
When the TMDE-SP is
returned to the owner/user, it is exchanged for the receipt Section 4 of the
DA form 2402. The receipt sections are retained by the support maintenance
activity, they will be retained no longer than 1 year. A DA form 2416 will
be completed for each TMDE-SP received for calibration or repair.
(7) Replacement parts, modules, etc., in the DS/GS unit's maintenance
shop stack will be made available for use by ATST's to repair unserviceable
(8) TMDE owners/users who are supported by an Automatic test support
unit. TMDE that can be automatically tested, fault isolated, and calibrated
by the ATSS is the maintenance responsibility of that system. The CRC will
support TMDE-GP organic to the ATSS that cannot be supported by the ATSS.